Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics, Vol.45, No.4, 600-606, 2020
Only Numerical Modeling of Detonation Properties for Some Metal Azides
In this paper, for research the detonation performance of some metal azides, the detonation CJ parameters in different initial density of three kinds of metal azides: Lead Azide, Cupric Azide and Silver Azide, are calculated using thermodynamic calculation method. The calculation results of detonation velocity are compared with the literature record, and the calculation results by Keshavarz and Explo5 software. We also use this method to calculate the Isentropic expansion process of these three kinds of Metal Azides, and fit the JWL equation of state(EOS) parameters of detonation product for them. Then, using LS-DYNA software to simulate the process of detonation driving flyer for Lead Azide and Cupric Azide, and compared with the experimental results recorded in the literature, and with the simulation results which the JWL EOS parameters obtained by Explo5.