IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.65, No.5, 1940-1955, 2020
Performance Output Tracking for Multidimensional Heat Equation Subject to Unmatched Disturbance and Noncollocated Control
This paper investigates performance output tracking for a boundary controlled multidimensional heat equation. It is assumed that the so-called total disturbance (which is composed of internal possibly nonlinear uncertainty and external disturbance) the equation is subject to is on one part of the boundary, and that the control is applied on the rest of the boundary. Using only partial boundary measurement, we first propose an extended state observer to estimate both system state and the total disturbance. This allows us to design a servomechanism and then an output feedback controller. Under the condition that both the reference signal and the disturbance vanish or belong to spaces H-1 (0, infinity; L-1(Gamma(1))) and L-2 (0, infinity L-2(Gamma(0))), respectively. We show that the over-all control strategy achieves three objectives on the system performance: first, exponentially output tracking for arbitrary given reference signal; second, uniformly boundedness of all internal signals; and, third, the internal asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system. In addition, the control strategy turns out to be robust to the measurement noise. We provide numerical experiments to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.
Keywords:Active disturbance rejection control (ADRC);disturbance rejection;heat equation;output tracking