Journal of Materials Science, Vol.55, No.26, 11999-12007, 2020
Effects of doping and biaxial strain on the electronic properties of GaN/graphene/WS(2)trilayer vdW heterostructure
Based on the calculation using first-principles, we discussed adjustment for electronic properties of the GaN/graphene/WS(2)trilayer vdW heterostructure by doping and biaxial strain. Mg or Se doping can regulate the band gap of the GaN/graphene/WS(2)trilayer vdW heterostructure and achievep-type orn-type dopant in graphene and the trilayer heterostructure system. Band gap decreases with the increase in positive strain, and ap-type Schottky barrier is always maintained. As the negative strain increases, the band gap reaches its maximum at epsilon = - 3% and then gradually decreases. And after |epsilon| >= | - 5|%, it changes to an indirect band gap. When |epsilon| >= | - 7|%, the Schottky contact type changes fromp-type ton-type. Electrons are transferred from GaN layer to graphene and WS(2)layer, and transfer increases with the increase in strain from negative to positive. More electrons are transferred to WS(2)with positive strain, and more electrons are transferred to graphene with negative strain. The results will provide valuable information for the design of trilayer Schottky devices.