Journal of Rheology, Vol.64, No.5, 1087-1106, 2020
Oscillatory strain with superposed steady shearing in noncolloidal suspensions
The rheology of noncolloidal suspensions in superposed simple shearing and oscillatory shearing was explored. With a Newtonian matrix fluid, one would expect that G ' would be zero in an oscillatory flow, but this was not found; the action of Coulomb friction between the particles appears to cause an increment of G ' at lower frequencies. To understand this frictional effect, measurements of small and medium strain oscillatory flows, up to 10% strain magnitude, were made. The matrix fluid was 12 Pa s silicone oil, and the polystyrene spheres were on average 40.3 mu m in diameter. Hysteresis during tests with varying strain amplitudes was more dominant in the storage modulus than in the loss modulus, and, at a 50% volume fraction, the effect was severe. Because of the observed tendency to hysteresis, the oscillatory flow was then combined with a parallel steady shear flow to try to control or eliminate hysteresis. The hysteresis appears to be a frictional effect, and it was reduced under superposed shearing. The effect of variable oscillatory shear stress and steady shear stress was studied, and a model was proposed for the superposed storage modulus, loss modulus, and shear viscosity responses. Frictional effects are considered in the proposed model, and one observes a generally satisfactory fit to the experimental data. From the model, the average friction coefficient is shown to be less at higher frequencies due to higher relative rubbing speeds and better lubrication between the particles. Clearly, suspension rheology is dominated by friction and is essentially a study in tribology.