Transport in Porous Media, Vol.134, No.2, 471-489, 2020
Effects of Cilia Movement on Fluid Velocity: II Numerical Solutions Over a Fixed Domain
Cilia are hair-like structures that move in unison with the purpose of propelling fluid. They are found, for example, in the human bronchiole respiratory system and molluscs. Here, we validate a novel model of fluid flow due to the movement of cilia in a fixed computational domain. We consider two domains, a porous medium and a free-fluid domain and numerically solve the Stokes-Brinkman system of equations where the cilia geometry and velocity are input and the velocity of fluid due to the movement of cilia is determined. The cilia velocities and geometry are approximated using human lung cilia experimental data available in the literature. We use a mixed finite element method of Taylor-Hood type to calculate the fluid velocities in a three-dimensional domain. The results are validated in a simple case by comparison with an exact solution with good agreement. This problem can be used as a benchmark for the movement of fluid phases due to the self-propelled movement of a solid phase in a porous medium.