Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.92, 145-157, December, 2020
Defects and dopant alliance towards bound magnetic polarons formation and mixed magnetic characteristics in Fe doped ZnO nanoparticles
Fe doped ZnO powders, Zn1-xFexO (x = 0.0.03) confirmed to be single phased using X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement (step size of 0.01°) revealed a change in oxidation state of Fe with increased fraction of Zinc interstitials, Zni and Oxygen vacancy, Vo defects through Photoelectron spectroscopy and Photoluminescence (PL) studies. The Raman and PL spectra have registered the inclusion of Vo-Zni complex defects also. An ideal position of E2(Low) Raman mode justifies the effectual cationic substitution of Fe species. Inclusion of paramagnetic (PM) component is successfully substantiated through Bound Magnetic Polaron (BMP) model fitting. For x = 0.01, a residual PM component is ensured through temperature dependent magnetization, M(T) characteristics as well. A close fit of the Field cooled (FC) branch by the 3-D spin wave model (T = 99-300 K) points towards the intrinsic nature of ferromagnetism mediated by the effectual substitution of Fe2+ ions and the inclusion of BMPs. At lower temperature (T < 99 K), a good fit to the Curie-Weiss model (C-W) quantifies an estimated cluster size of the order of 10-3, subtle enough to restrict the introduction of spin glass state, thereby justifying the suitability of these nanoparticles for spintronics applications. Excellent PM properties are achieved for x = 0.03 at T = 300 K.
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