Chemical Engineering & Technology, Vol.43, No.11, 2325-2335, 2020
Hydrodynamic Performance of a Ring-Style High-Shear Impeller in Newtonian and Shear-Thinning Fluids
Laminar mixing of Newtonian and shear-thinning fluids induced by a Hockmeyer (R)-type impeller was investigated. Two unbaffled tanks at three impellers off-bottom clearances (c) were studied. Six geometric combinations, i.e., twod/Tand threec/T, were examined wheredandTare the impeller and tank diameters, respectively. Determination of the Metzner-Otto constant (K-s) was undertaken. The effects ofd/T, c/T, and fluid rheology onK(s), power demand, pumping, shear and viscous dissipation were analyzed. The evaluated geometric ratios and rheology do not significantly affectK(s)and power demand, only the rheology had an impact on the remaining hydrodynamic parameters. Pumping was favored with the Newtonian fluid, and shear and viscous dissipation increased with the shear-thinning fluid.