Combustion and Flame, Vol.222, 123-132, 2020
Hydrogen migration as a potential driving force in the thermal decomposition of dimethoxymethane: New insights from pyrolysis imaging photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy and computations
Pyrolysis and low-temperature oxidation of dimethoxymethane (methylal, MeOCH2OMe) play an important role in the ignition of blended diesel fuels, but the underlying mechanisms are still debated. In these kinetic models, bimolecular hydrogen abstraction or unimolecular C-O bond fission are considered as the primary initial steps, while MeOCH2OMe isomerization is sometimes disregarded. In this work, we investigate the pyrolysis of MeOCH2OMe combining imaging photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy with vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) synchrotron radiation and CBS-QB3 theoretical calculations to unveil reaction paths and energetics. In the mass spectrum of MeOCH2OMe, pyrolysis products and radical intermediates were observed at m/z 15 (CH3), 28 (CO), 29 (HCO), 30 (H2CO), 31 (CH2OH), 32 (CH3OH), 45 (CH3OCH2), and 75 (H-loss from methylal). Only the m/z 45 and 75 ions are found to be dissociative photoionization products of MeOCH2OMe, the other mass spectral peaks are attributed to ionization of the neutral MeOCH2OMe pyrolysis products. The m/z 31 peak was assigned to the methoxy radical in the previous studies. However, our photoion mass-selected threshold photoelectron spectrum (ms-TPES) confirms that it originates from dissociative photoionization of the primary pyrolysis fragment methanol. Based on the experimental and computational results, a thermal decomposition mechanism of MeOCH2OMe is proposed. Here, H-migration precedes the production of methoxymethylene (CH3OCH) and methanol, while dimethyl ether and formaldehyde are probably formed in multi-step processes, too. The sequential dissociation of CH3OCH and of dimethyl ether yields enhanced m/z 15, 28 and 29 signals at high temperature. Rate constants have been calculated to confirm the dominant role of MeOCH2OMe isomerization and to help improve predictive combustion models. (C) 2020 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.