Macromolecular Research, Vol.29, No.3, 244-251, March, 2021
In vivo Evaluation of PEEK Copolymer Composites for Prosthetic Spine
In this study, we evaluated the biosafety of a novel polyetheretherketone (PEEK) copolymer [P(E2-E4)K] composite using an animal model to test an implanted orthopedic spine cage. The PEEK copolymer was synthesized by solution polymerization with diphenyl sulfone solvent and blended with carbon fibers and graphene oxide to produce the composite. The P(E2-E4)K composite exhibited improved mechanical properties, similar to natural bone. The animal study results for short term inflammation evaluation by hematoxylin & eosin and immunostaining methods showed significant histochemical stability for 3 weeks after implantation, demonstrating the required biosafety for medical application as an implantable spine cage.
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