IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.36, No.1, 421-430, 2021
An Analytical-Numerical Approach to Model and Analyse Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Nowadays, finite element analysis represents the most accurate tool to analyse electrical machines. However, the time domain resolution of electromagnetic problem, in some cases, requires long simulation time due to the induced nature of the currents. The computational burden increases when the machine features a skewed layout on the stator or rotor structures, since this requires 2D multi-slices approximated analysis or even a full 3D model. In this paper, a general analytical method to model electromagnetic devices is applied to a squirrel cage induction motor featuring a skewed rotor structure. The modelling approach is wisely implemented and adapted to pursue a fair balance between accuracy of the analysis and computational burden, taking advantage of all the symmetries existing in the rotor cage of the machine, aiming to minimize the model complexity. A comparative analysis in term of the inductances between analytical and finite element is proposed. The results provided by the model developed are compared with respect to the corresponding values provided by both finite element and experimental test performed on the reference machine. Such comparisons show that the proposed model is actually able to achieve a pretty good balance between accuracy and computational efficiency.