IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.35, No.4, 2013-2024, 2020
Robust Design Optimization of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor Based on Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problem
This study focuses on the robust design optimization of permanent magnet linear synchronous motors (PMLSM) considering the effect of uncertainties (noise factors) such as manufacturing errors, installation errors and working wears. A robust design optimization approach based on quantified constraint satisfaction problem (QCSP) is proposed. It establishes a robust PMLSM thrust ripple model considering noise factors by QCSP, and obtains the optimal design parameters that have lower thrust ripple and smaller thrust ripple fluctuation within their error range by branch-and-prune algorithm. First, an analytical model of thrust ripple for PMLSM is established. Second, the robust QCSP model of thrust ripple is established by quantifier concept based on analytical model. It defines the design parameters and noise variables as existential and universal quantifiers, respectively, defines the variables of QCSP model as quantifier parameters that are composed of existential and universal quantifiers, then QCSP model are established by quantifier parameters. Third, the algorithm of branch-and-prune based on interval arithmetic is proposed to optimize the QCSP model. This approach is proven to be robust and superior compared with traditional deterministic approach and another robust approach. Finally, Finite element analysis and motor prototype experiments confirm the feasibility and validity of the proposed method.