Inorganic Chemistry, Vol.59, No.17, 11855-11867, 2020
Selective and Efficient Biomacromolecular Extraction of Rare-Earth Elements using Lanmodulin
Lanmodulin LanM) is a recently discovered protein that undergoes a conformational e eartheierurs(REEs)Here,ve use multiple Fhysicochenica rethndstodemonstrate thatLanMisthemost seiec,.ve macro molecule for REEs chatacterizedtodateand even outPeribrnsman many Y1thetic chelat rs. LanM metal-bindingProper_.esandstructuralstabilffyuhseen in most other metalloproteins.' LarmretainsREEbindin8,nwrtopH 2.5, and LanM-REE 11 N Sc complexes tenpetature(upto 95C),teneatedacid ueLart_gradetreatments, anuup to molar amounts of echPeti:gnnn_REEmetal r eh feeds t ck ions (including Mg, Ca, Zn, and Cu), allowing the protein's use in harsh chemical processes. LanM, s unrivaled properties were applied to metal extraction from two distinct REE-containing industrialfeedstocks covering a broad range of REE and non-REE concentrations, namely, precombustion coal and electronic waste i eachates. After only a single all -aqueous step, quantitative and selective recovery of the REEs from all non-REEs initially present (Li, Na Mg, Ca Sr, Al, Si, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and U) was achieved, demonstrating the universal selectivity of LanM for REEs against nonREEs' and its potential application even for industrial low-grade sources, which are currently underutilized. Our work indicates that biosourced macromolecules such as LanM may offer a new paradigm for extractive metallurgy and other applications involving felements.