Powder Technology, Vol.380, 288-302, 2021
Quantitative DEM simulation of pellet and sinter particles using rolling friction estimated from image analysis
We characterize pellet and sinter particles used in the blast furnace in terms of DEM simulation parameters. By designing an innovative rotating tumbler setup whose length can be adjusted, we measure the dynamic angle of repose at six different rotation speeds for two different tumbler lengths. DEM simulations are performed in identical geometry by identifying the key simulation parameters which significantly affect the simulation results. Most of these parameters are directly measured using laboratory experiments. Using a novel image analysis based approach, we measure rolling friction for nearly spherical pellet particles and highly irregular shape sinter particles. Using these measured values of the rolling friction in DEM simulations, we obtain a very good agreement between experimental and simulation data without any calibration. The methodology presented here can be used for estimating rolling friction of non-spherical particles for usage in DEM simulations of bulk solids along with other DEM parameters. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.