Process Biochemistry, Vol.101, 156-168, 2021
Diagnostic approaches for the rapid detection of Zika virus-A review
Mosquito-borne flavivirus is associated with the zika virus (ZIKV) which is the attention of numerous public health hazards & enduring epidemic for many years and was first identified in 1947. Formerly partial to sporadic cases in Asia & Africa but in Brazil, the zika virus appearance in 2015 indicated fast spreading all over Americans. It has been acknowledged as a global public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2016. Symptoms normally appear as mild-influenza, neurological signs, and subclinical manifestations with the syndrome of microcephaly in offspring that are born from infected mothers & Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) in adults. There is no cure or effective Zika Virus treatment known to date. Easy and efficient detection of the zika virus can reduce the risk of sickness and the successful management of this disease. Conventional techniques currently available are focused on clinical manifestation, along with molecular and serological detection tools that can identify the zika virus but due to their various disadvantages such as low specificity and sensitivity, there is a need for a quick and easy approach for the diagnosis of zika virus. Scientists are showing great interest in an effective portable and simple detection method to diagnose the Zika virus. Biosensor is considered a viable advanced system that can meet all the aforementioned demands. Biosensors are combined with an effortless approach to allow them for exploiting in various applications. This review summarizes the diagnosis, surveillance, and advancement in sensing technology for easy and successful detection of Zika virus and its usage as a fast and rapid analytical tool.