SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol.58, No.5, 2871-2899, 2020
This work presents a data-driven method for approximation of the maximum positively invariant (MPI) set and the maximum controlled invariant (MCI) set for nonlinear dynamical systems. The method only requires knowledge of a finite collection of one-step transitions of the discrete-time dynamics, without the requirement of segments of trajectories or the control inputs that effected the transitions to be available. The approach uses a novel characterization of the MPI and MCI sets as the solution to an infinite-dimensional linear programming (LP) problem in the space of continuous functions, with the optimum being attained by a (Lipschitz) continuous function under mild assumptions. The infinite-dimensional LP is then approximated by restricting the decision variable to a finite-dimensional subspace and by imposing the nonnegativity constraint of this LP only on the available data samples. This leads to a single finite-dimensional LP that can be easily solved using off-the-shelf solvers. We analyze the convergence rate and sample complexity, proving probabilistic as well as hard guarantees on the volume error of the approximations. The approach is very general, requiring minimal underlying assumptions. In particular, the dynamics is not required to be polynomial or even continuous (forgoing some of the theoretical results). Detailed numerical examples up to state-space dimension 10 with code available online demonstrate the method.
Keywords:maximum positively invariant set;maximum controlled invariant set;data;convex optimization;sampling;infinite-dimensional linear programming