Korean Chemical Engineering Research, Vol.59, No.3, 467-479, August, 2021
Effects of Reactor Type on the Economy of the Ethanol Dehydration Process: Multitubular vs. Adiabatic Reactors
A kinetic model was developed for the dehydration of ethanol to ethylene based on two parallel reaction pathways. Kinetic parameters were estimated by fitting experimental data of powder catalysts in a lab-scale test, and the effectiveness factor was determined using data from pellet-type catalysts in bench-scale experiments. The developed model was used to design a multitubular fixed-bed reactor (MTR) and an adiabatic reactor (AR) at a 10 ton per day scale. The two different reactor types resulted in different process configurations: the MTR consumed the ethanol completely and did not produce the reaction intermediate, diethyl ether (DEE), resulting in simple separation trains at the expense of high equipment cost for the reactor, whereas the AR required azeotropic distillation and cryogenic distillation to recycle the unreacted ethanol and to separate the undesired DEE, respectively. Quantitative analysis based on the equipment and annual energy costs showed that, despite high equipment cost of the reactor, the MTR process had the advantages of high productivity and simple separation trains, whereas the use of additional separation trains in the AR process increased both the total equipment cost and the annual energy cost per unit production rate.
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