Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Vol.241, 91-102, 1994
Crystal and Molecular-Structures of Isomorphous bis(1,3-di(P-N-Octylphenyl)Propane-1,3-Dionato) Palladium(II) and bis(1,3-di(P-N-Octylphenyl)Propane-1,3-Dionato) Nickel(II)
Crystal structures of the transition metal complexes bis[1,3-di(p-n-octylphenyl)propane-1,3-dionato] palladium(II) and bis[1,3-di(p-n-octylphenyl)propane-1,3-dionato] nickel(II) have been solved and refined to R = 0.051 and 0.064 respectively, using diffractometer collected X-ray data. The palladium and the nickel complexes are found to be isomorphous with the P-form of the copper complex bis[1,3-di(p-n-octylphenyl propane-1,3-dionato] copper(II). Despite the unambiguous structural isomorphism, only the palladium and the copper complexes are mesogenic; the nickel complex is reportedly non-mesogenic. In the crystal structures, the metal atoms are surrounded by four oxygen atoms in a square planar arrangement. The octyl chains are fully extended in an all-trans conformation. The crystal structures are characterized by both layer-like and columnar arrangement of molecules.