Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Vol.285, 143-150, 1996
P-Pi-D Interaction in the (R(1),R(2)-DCNQI)(2)Cu System
Pressure effects in the iodine-containing p pi-d system (DCNQI)(2)Cu are mainly described. Electrical and magnetic properties of (R(1),R(?)2-DCNQI)(2)Cu are quite sensitive to the substituents R(1) and R(2). A variety of substituent effects would be generally understood in terms of the amount of charge transfer from Cu to DCNQI which is sensitive to the N-Cu-N coordination angle. In the iodine-containing DCNQI-Cu system, however, an inter-stack LUMO ... LUMO interaction would also play an important role.