Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, Vol.16, No.5, 220-228, 1999
Development of a three-parameter volume-based spray drop size distribution through the application of the maximum entropy formalism
This work is an extension of a previous investigation on the determination of mathematical volume-spray drop size distributions by the application of the maximum entropy formalism. A two-parameter drop size distribution was derived and was found to give reasonable fits with experimental distributions obtained under different experimental conditions. However, as it is dis cussed, this two-parameter distribution shows critical limitations and cannot be applied in any situations of interest as far as drop size distributions in liquid sprays are concerned, To overcome this problem, a third parameter, equivalent to a drop diameter, is introduced into the procedure. This correction leads to a three-parameter drop size distribution with independent mean, width and symmetry. This function is a generalized gamma distribution and it can cover more practical situations than the previous two-parameter distribution. Furthermore, it is found that, contrary to the two-parameter distribution, the new volume-based drop size distribution shows a corresponding number-based drop size distribution with a physical behavior as the drop diameter decreases: This last result shows the importance of using three parameters to describe spray drop size distributions and that one gf these parameters must represent the population of small drops.