HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.3, No.2, 151-158, August, 1965
유동층의 열전달기구에 관하여
Mechanism of Heat Transfer to Fluidized Beds
In order to determine the mechanism of heat transfer to fluidized beds, heat transfer coefficients were measured in the bubble bed, the gas-liquid and the gas-solid fluidized beds. And the rate of mixing measured by a solid tracer technique, and the fluidization quality including bubble frequency and number of density fluctuation per unit time by leak current meter in the gas-solid fluidized bed were correlated.
A semi-theoretical equations to predict heat transfer coefficients in those systems were found, and compared with experimental results.
The equations are as fallwos;
i) Gas-solid fluidized bed
h= 2/π-1/2·(kmρbmc(uo/L))-1/2 (20)
Developing the model of the packet, relation with heat transfer coefficient, h, and the rate of mixing, Wm, was obtained as follows
h=CvWm (19)
ii) Bubble bed and gas-liquid-solid fluidized bed
h = log (μΦ/uo)·(2/π-1/2)·(kmρmuo /L)-1/2 (23)