Automatica, Vol.33, No.1, 63-79, 1997
Robust Torque Control Design for Induction-Motors - The Minimum Energy Approach
This paper presents two different aspects concerning the control design laws for induction motors : (1) it derives state operating points (steady-state values for currents and fluxes) parameterized in terms of the desired motor torque, defining minimum-energy operation conditions for the electrical motor. (2) It gives a state-space feedback control design methodology based on Lyapunov analysis which renders the minimum-energy operating points invariant. Several controllers are proposed : P-type control, observer-based P-type control, PI-type control and observer-based PI-type control. The PI-structure and the observer-based control are introduced to deal with motor parameter uncertainties, and the absence of flux measurements, respectively. Stability of all these control schemes is studied. Experimental results are also presented.