Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol.47, No.1, 315-323, 1997
Integrated high-concentration PV - Near-term alternative for low-cost large-scale solar electric power
Large-scale photovoltaic electric power generation deployment and utilization is no longer dictated by limitations in technology, but rather by the economics of PV systems vs. other renewable or traditional options. This paper describes a near-term alternative option for cost-effective solar electric power generation based on a novel sunlight concentrating technology: integrated high-concentration PV (IHCPV). The advantages of high-concentration systems have been well analyzed, but development was constrained by the lack of solar cell capable of withstanding the rigors of concentrated sunlight. The development of a stable, high-concentration back-junction, point-contact cell, by Amonix, paved the way for high-concentration system development. System designers had to insure that the cost savings inherent in concentration systems through the reduction of costly solar cell content were not over-shadowed by the ancillary costs of structure and;tracking elements used in concentrating arrays. The IHCPV system has met these goals. Economic factors specific to the IHCPV system are presented including (1) low cost of entry, (2) enhanced energy production, (3) reduced land utilization, and (4) accelerated benefits of volume production.