Thin Solid Films, Vol.284-285, 257-260, 1996
Command Layers with High Azimuthal Anisotropy - Static and Dynamic Behavior
We describe the tilted orientational anchoring of nematic liquid crystals on polymeric Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) layers. The LB film exposes mesogenic groups (azobenzenes) to the bulk liquid crystal which allow for interdigitation. The mesogens are attached to the spacer groups at the meta-position of one of the phenyl rings. This leads to an inclined conformation of the mesogens on the molecular scale. The in-plane anisotropy required for alignment layers is provided by the LB dipping process. The pretilt angle of the liquid-crystal director with respect to the surface at room temperature is about the same as the microscopic bonding angle of the mesogens with respect to the surface. It decreases with temperature. On irradiation, the azobenzene molecules undergo trans-cis isomerization which changes the alignment to homogeneous. We compare the kinetics of switching to the kinetics of a similar substance, with less microscopic inclination. In contrast to the latter material, the system with high anisotropy does not have an induction phase in the beginning of the UV-induced anchoring transition.