HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.38, No.6, 826-831, December, 2000
이성분 Poly(ethylene-co-butene)-디메틸 에테르계의 고압 상거동 및 혼합물 밀도
High Pressure Phase Behavior and Mixture Density of Binary Poly(ethylene-co-butene)-Dimethyl Ether System
초임계 용매에서의 고분자 상거동 및 밀도는 고분자 공정개발과 분자구조 규명 등을 연구하는데 유용한 자료로 이용된다. 본 연구에서는 고압에서 디메틸 에테르(dimethyl ether: DME, DME-d)와 poly(ethylene-co-butene)(10)과 poly(ethylene-co-butene)(47) 공중합체와의 상거동과 혼합물 밀도를 관측하였다. 실험장치는 고압가변 부피셀과 이에 선형가변 미분변환기(LVDT: linear variable differential transducer)가 연결된 정지형이다. Poly(ethylene-co-butene)(10)-디메틸 에테르계의 상거동 실험은 온도 106-185℃와 압력 486-1,100 bar에서 수행했다. 측정한 온도-압력 평형곡선을 폴리에틸렌-디메틸 에테르계와 비교하였는데 poly(ethylene-co-butene)(10)-디메틸 에테르계가 약 100-350bar정도 낮은 압력에서 평형곡선을 보여주었다. Poly(ethylene-co-butene)(10)-디메틸 에테르와 poly(ethylene-co-butene)(10)-디메틸 에테르-d계의 구름점 곡선은 온도 110-150℃사이에서 약 1,000bar이하에서 나타났다. 디메틸-에테르를 포함한 poly(ethylene-co-butene)(10)과 poly(ethylene-co-butene)(47)의 상거동도 서로 비교 측정하였다. 순수한 디메틸 에테르의 밀도를 온도 110℃, 120℃, 130℃ 및 150℃에서 압력 139-2,415 bar 범위에서 얻었다. 혼합물 밀도는 poly(ethylene-co-butene)(47)-디메틸 에테르계, poly(ethylene-co-butene)(10)-디메틸 에테르-d계 및 poly(ethylene-co-butene)(47)-디메틸 에테르-d계에 대하여 110℃, 120℃, 130℃ 및 150℃ 온도와 압력 2,415 bar이하에서 각각 측정하였다.
Phase equilibria and density of polymer in supercritical fluid are fundamental information for chemical process design and molecular structure analysis in polymer science. In this study, we measured high pressure phase equilibria and densities of poly(ethylene-co-butene)10 and poly(ethylene-co-butene)47 in two supercritical solvents; dimethyl ether(DME) and dimethyl ether-d(DME-d). A high-pressure variable-volume cell was used to measure the equilibrium properties. Linear variable differential transducer(LVDT) on the piston enables to measure the volume change of the equilibrium cell. High pressure phase equilibria of poly(ethylene-co-butene)10-dimethyl ether were measured at 106-185℃ and pressure range of 486-1,100 bar. The similar system, polyethylene-dimethyl ether showed higher equilibrium line by 100-350 bar. The liquid-liquid equilibrium line of poly(ethylene-co-butene)10-dimethyl ether and poly(ethylene-co-butene)10-dimethyl ether-d existed within 110-150℃ below 1,000 bar. Phase behavior of poly(ethylene-co-butene)10 and poly(ethylene-co-butene)47 in dimethyl ether were also measured. Density of pure dimethyl ether was measured at 110℃, 120℃, 130℃, and 150℃ and pressure range of 139-2,415 bar. Mixture densities of poly(ethylene-co-butene)47-dimethyl ether, poly(ethylene-co-butene)10-dimethyl ether-d, and poly(ethylene-co-butene)47-dimethyl ether-d were measured at the same temperature and pressure range.
Keywords:Binary System;Phase Behavior;Pure and Mixture Density;Poly(ethylene-co-butene)10-Dimethyl Ether System;Poly(ethylene-co-butene)47-Dimethyl Ether System
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