Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol.50, No.3, 238-247, 1996
Mathematical-Modeling and Analysis of Monoclonal-Antibody Production by Hybridoma Cells
An attempt has been made to mathematically describe and analyze monoclonal antibody (MAB) productivity of hybridoma cells, with particular emphasis on continuous cultures under unsteady-state conditions. A simple and unstructured general kinetic model that takes account of productivity loss during long-term cultivation, cell proliferation, and the effects of nutrients and toxic products is proposed. The model is verified with data of continuous culture from five different cell lines under a wide range of experimental conditions. Analysis of these results showed that for a reliable assessment of effects of different factors and for comparison of kinetic data on MAB production it is important to consider possible loss of MAB productivity, the time dependence of which can be modeled by an exponential function plus a constant term. Variations of nutrient concentration, particularly that of glucose, glutamine, and serum, can significantly alter MAB production under certain conditions. These effects can be described in terms of saturation kinetic and/or noncompetitive inhibition kinetics.