Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, Vol.12, No.1, 69-76, March, 2000
Persistence length calculation from light scattering and intrinsic viscosity of dilute semiflexible polymide solutions with different degree of imidization
We have derived the translation diffusion coefficient and the intrinsic viscosity formula adopting the Kholodenko's theory using 3+1 dimensional Dirac propagator in the Kirkwood and Riseman scheme. We also performed static light scattering experiments and intrinsic viscosity measurement of dilute solutions of polyimides with different rigidities. In the framework of Kholodenko's theory, we can easily measure the persistence length of polyimide. We prepared five different polyamic acids and polyimides with different degree of imidization by controlling imidization temperatures. From experimental results, we obtained molecular weights and persistence lengths according to the Kholodenko's plot. The molecular weight and the intrinsic viscosity decreased and then increased with the imidization temperature but the persistence length increased monotonically and then leveled off. The persistence lengths calculated from intrinsic viscosities showed very good agreement with those from light scattering experiments.
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