Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.11, No.7, 773-779, November, 2000
환경유해물질의 Octanol/Water 분배계수와 Air/Water 분배계수 측정 및 추산
Determination and Prediction of Octanol/Water Partition Coefficients and Air/Water Partition Coefficients for Environmental Toxic Chemicals
유해 화학물질의 환경에서의 거동예측에 유용하게 사용되는 octanol/water 분배계수(K(ow))를 22가지 환경 유해화합물에 대하여 Slow Stirring(SS)법으로 측정하였고, air/water 분배계수(K(aw))를 역시 12가지 화합물에 대하여 equilibrium partitioning in closed system (EPICS) 법으로 측정하였다. K(ow)의 경우, 실험치를 UNIFAC식을 이용하여 예측한 값과 비교해 보았다. 실측한 K(ow)와 K(aw)의 대수치는 모두 몰부피의 증가에 대하여 대체적으로 증가하는 경향을 보였다.
Octanol/water partition coefficients (K(ow)) were measured for twenty two(22) environmentally toxic chemicals by using the Slow stirring (SS) method. Air/water partition coefficients (K(aw)) were measured for twelve (12) chemicals by using the Equilibrium Partitioning In Closed System (EPICS) method. K(ow) and K(aw) were used to estimate the behavior of the toxic chemicals. The measured K(ow) values were compared with the estimated values calculated by the UNIFAC equation. The logarithmic K(ow) and K(aw) generally increased with increasing molar volumes of the chemicals.
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