Computers & Chemical Engineering, Vol.23, No.S, S597-S600, 1999
A large-scale energy reporting system for the process industry
Energy management represents an important issue within the process industry. The lack of a unified, simple and consistent standard for energy loss calculations constitutes an obstacle in further progress towards more energy efficient plants and sites. A unified approach in order to assess energy efficiency and identify losses in plants or at complete sites is needed. This paper describes the results of ongoing work in order to improve energy efficiency within Norsk Hydro. This involves a consistent method for energy loss calculations and a rr,porting system. An important feature of the method for energy loss calculations is that measurement of recipient streams such as cooling water and effluent gas is not needed. The reporting system is based on Web/Intranet/Java technology and an Oracle database. At present, the energy reporting system is implemented and it is running on some test plants. Work for large-scale implementation including Norsk Hydro's 200-300 plants worldwide is currently taking place.