Computers & Chemical Engineering, Vol.23, No.S, S633-S636, 1999
Computer-aided experiments for a course in dynamic systems and control technology
A new laboratory course has been developed with a set of computer-controlled experiments. The objective is to offer the students 5 to 10 different experiments that build on a generic infrastructure, namely a standard personal computer, an intelligent process interface and an experiment. The processor board communicates through a back plane bus with the instrumentation cards and on the other side provides standard communication interfaces such as RS232 for the communication with the personal computer. This allows the students to use their own notebook computer, which is made available to every student in the university since last year. The user interface is presently built in LabView and the combination of Matlab and Simulink is used for simulations and other analytical off-line tasks. The experimental setups are designed such that they are mobile, flexible and easy to maintain. Furthermore,they can be used for both educational and research activities in our group.