IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.15, No.4, 384-394, 2000
Turbine, generator, system modeling and impact of variable-frequency ripple currents on torsional stressing of generators in Poland and Sweden: Lithuania/Poland and Sweden/Poland HVDC links
This paper analyzes rectifier ripple current superimposed on the direct current of a 600 MW asynchronous bipolar link between Lithuania and Poland and a 600 MW asynchronous monopolar link between Poland and Sweden in evaluating possible torsional vibrations in steam turbine-generator-exciter shafts. The links are being assessed or are being constructed, respectively, at this time. The studies are performed for machines in Northeastern Poland and in Southern Sweden close to the inverter station which are most at risk. Analyzes are performed for the generators in Poland for the Lithuania/Poland link and for the generators in Sweden for the Poland/Sweden link. The paper examines system scaling factors for the Lithuania/Poland Link. It then examines ac system scaling factors and generator scaling factors for modulation product harmonic currents impressed on generators connected to the Swedish Grid Network by the inverter not examined indepth heretofore. Amplitude of shaft torsional torque due to resonant excitation imposed by the link on the generators in Sweden is evaluated for different scenarios of system and generator load. First, theory which relates magnitude of harmonic ac current injected into the ac system by the inverter is summarized. Dispersion of the injected harmonic ac current to proportion the current to individual generators is then reviewed, considering impedance of the generators, loads, and other system elements. This is illustrated in tables for system scaling factors for the Lithuania/Poland Link for various scenarios of system load, etc. Significance of simple and detailed shaft train models of machine shafts as well as approximate (Id, Iq) and detailed (2d, 3q) generator damper models on resonant torques is reviewed. Then, effects of both power factor and generator load on generator scaling factors is illustrated. Possible machine shaft torques for the different scenarios: full-load, no-load, different turbine-generator simulation, etc., is summarized in tables.
Keywords:asynchronous HVdc links;FACTS;Generator shaft torsionals;HVdc transmission;shaft torsional phenomena;subsynchronous resonance