Thin Solid Films, Vol.380, No.1-2, 192-194, 2000
Optically-induced charge storage in self-assembled InAs quantum dots
We present results on spectrally resolved photo-resistance studies of optically-induced charge storage effects in self-organized InAs quantum dots (QDs). The stored charge can be detected and erased electrically. The investigated structure designed for electron or hole storage in the QDs consists of a modulation doped two-dimensional channel which was grown on top of a layer of InAs QDs, separated by an asymmetric tunnel barrier. Our results show that optical QD charging with spectral resolution provides information on the charging dynamics and on the quantity and spectral dependence of stored charges in the QDs. This is a novel technique by which QD excitation spectra can be studied. Spectrally resolved storage effect measurements on electrons as well as on holes allowed to investigate thermal redistribution of carriers in the quantum dot layer. It was found that only at low temperatures carriers can be stored selectively over long time scales in the InAs QDs. The charge storage effect is observable for several hours at temperatures up to 170 K, for several seconds up to 250 K due to an increase in thermal emission of stored charges.