HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.39, No.4, 446-455, August, 2001
소결금속섬유필터의 기초 성능 특성
Basic Filtration Characteristics of Sintered Metal Fiber Filter
소결금속섬유필터에 대한 압력손실, 먼지통과율, 부분집진효율 등의 기초 여과성능특성을 수행하였다. 두 종류의 필터가 적용되었고, 두 필터의 공극률 및 두께는 동일하고, 통기도와 여과정밀도는 다른 물리적 특성을 가지고 있다. 기초성능특성은 300 x 300 mm 크기의 필터를 실험할 수 있는 필터성능실험장치를 가지고 조사하였다. 시험용 먼지로는 AC fine dust가 사용되었다. 압력손실은 여과속도와 먼지부하가 증가함에 따라 증가하였다. 먼지층 형성 초기 단계에는 여과포의 공극내에서 단일섬유 주위에 먼지입자가 응집되어 수지상 형태로 부착형성되었고, 먼지부하가 증가하여 가교형성에 의해 먼지층 형성이 진행된다. 균일먼지층 형성단계는 먼지부하가 계속 증가하여 먼지층 형성에 의해 여과포의 공극이 완전히 채워지고, 여과포 전체표면에 먼지층이 일정하게 포집되는 단계로 진행되었다. 먼지통과율은 먼지부하 초기단계에는 여과속도 증가에 따라 급격하게 증가하였고, 먼지부하가 증가함에 따라 급격하게 감소하였다. 압력손실 및 먼지통과율은 먼지부하 및 여과속도와 같은 운전변수로 상관관계식을 도출하였다. 상관관계식으로부터 계산된 압력손실 및 먼지통과율은 실험치와 잘 일치함을 알 수 있었다. 부분집진효율은 먼지부하에 따라 증가하였다.
Basic filtration characteristics including pressure drop, penetration and fractional collection efficiency were investigated for sintered metal fiber filters. Two filters were applied. It was found that the porosity, weight and thickness were same, the air permeability and filtering accuracy were different. The performance test of fabric filter was investigated using a flat sheet filter testing unit, which can be applied to the filter of 300 × 300 mm size. The test dust was AC Fine Dust. The pres-sure drop increased with filtration velocity and dust loading. The initial stage of dust cake formation was a growing process of particle dendrites on a single filament in the pore and the second stage was a bridge formation process with increasing dust loading. The final stage was a process of constant deposition of dust on a fabric surface under heavy dust loading conditions.
The penetration sharply increased with filtration velocity in the intial stage of dust loading. It sharply decreased with dust load-ing, but the rate of decrease gradually diminished under heavy dust loading conditions. The pressure drop and penetration have been correlated in terms of operating variables such as dust loading and filtration velocity. The pressure drop and penetration
calculated from the correlation equation have been compared with the experimental data and the agreement between the two data was fairly good. The fractional collection efficiency increased with dust loading.
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