Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, Vol.13, No.2, 67-81, June, 2001
Advances in measuring linear viscoelastic properties using novel deformation geometries and Fourier transform techniques
The development of new techniques for the dynamic measurement of linear viscoelastic properties is an active area of rheometry, and this paper surveys some novel deformation geometries which have been recently reported e.g. oscillating probe-type devices which are imbedded in or placed on the surface of the sample. Small amplitude band-limited pseudorandom noise is used for the displacement signal, with Fourier analysis of the complex waveform of the resistance force yielding the frequency dependent viscoelastic material functions (e.g. storage and loss moduli G', G''). Theoretical calculations of the fundamental equations relating force to displacement and instrument geometry, were carried out with the aid of the correspondence principle of linear viscoelasticity. The rapidity of the tests and flexibility in terms of sample preparation and stiffness mean that this basic technique should find many applications in rheometry. Three examples of oscillatory tests are presented in detail : squeeze flow, imbedded needle and concentric sliding cylinder geometries.
Keywords:linear viscoelasticity;correspondence principle;pseudorandom noise strain;squeeze flow;needle
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