HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.26, No.4, 386-396, August, 1988
초임계 이산화탄소에 의한 활성탄내의 페놀 탈착속도
Desorption Rate of Phenol from Activated Carbon with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
초임계 이산화탄소에 의한 활성탄에 흡착된 페놀의 탈착특성에 대해 실험 및 이론적으로 검토하였다. 35-55 ℃, 100-200 bar의 조건에서 초임계 이산화탄소를 1-8 SLPM의 유속으로 통과시켜 페놀을 탈착시킬 때 이산화탄소에 녹는 페놀의 용해도가 큰 온도와 압력에서 그리고 활성탄과 이산화탄소사이의 접촉시간이 길 때 페놀의 탁착률은 증가하였다. 또한 일정탈착조건에서 초임계 이산화탄소에 의하여 탈착되지 않는 비가역 페놀의 존재를 확인하였으며 이 양은 흡착노출시간이 길고 활성탄에 흡착된 최초 페놀흡착량이 많을수록 증가하였으나 그 분율은 초초 페놀흡착량이 많을수록 감소하였다. 한편 1차 탈착후 얻은 활성탄의 페놀흡착성능은 virgin 활성탄의 흡착성능에 비해 약 30 % 정도 감소하였으나 2차 및 3차 탈착후부터는 그 차이가 크게 줄어들었으며 탈착속도 실험결과는 비가역 페놀의 존재를 고려한 Modfied Thomas model에 의하여 상관지을 수 있었다.
Desorption characteristics of phenol from activated carbon with supercritical carbon dioxide was studied experimentally and theoretically.
Experiments were carried out at pressure of 100-200 bar and temperature of 35-55 ℃ with carbon dioxide flow rate of 1-8 SLPM. At constant temperature, higher pressure is favorable to desorb phenol from activated carbon having the same adsorption history such as adsorption exposure time and phenol loading. At constant pressure, higher temperature at 200 bar and lower temperature at 100 bar were favored, showing that solubilities of phenol in supercritical carbon dioxide play an important role in desorbing phenol.
There exist some irreversible phenol adsorbed in activated carbon that cannot be desorbed with supercritical carbon dioxide under constant desorption condition. The franction of irreversibly adsorbed phenol was increased as the adsorption exposure time was longer and the inital phenol loading onto activated carbon was decreased.
Model study was conducted to express the desorption rate in fixed bed. Experimental data for the desorption rate were well correlated by modified Thomas model.
Experiments were carried out at pressure of 100-200 bar and temperature of 35-55 ℃ with carbon dioxide flow rate of 1-8 SLPM. At constant temperature, higher pressure is favorable to desorb phenol from activated carbon having the same adsorption history such as adsorption exposure time and phenol loading. At constant pressure, higher temperature at 200 bar and lower temperature at 100 bar were favored, showing that solubilities of phenol in supercritical carbon dioxide play an important role in desorbing phenol.
There exist some irreversible phenol adsorbed in activated carbon that cannot be desorbed with supercritical carbon dioxide under constant desorption condition. The franction of irreversibly adsorbed phenol was increased as the adsorption exposure time was longer and the inital phenol loading onto activated carbon was decreased.
Model study was conducted to express the desorption rate in fixed bed. Experimental data for the desorption rate were well correlated by modified Thomas model.