Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Vol.364, 295-304, 2001
Photo-induced alignment of LC polymers by photoorientation and thermotropic self-organization
Optical anisotropy is generated in films of photochromic LCPs upon irradiation with linearly polarized light, Annealing of these films above the glass transition temperature results in a significant amplification of the photo-induced anisotropy. The amplification takes place even in the case of copolymers with only 10% of azobenzene side groups and if only 7% of the saturation value of anisotropy are induced. Photoorientation and photoinduced alignment are restricted by thermal pretreatment and ageing at room temperature.
Keywords:photoorientation;photoisomerization;azobenzene;liquid crystalline polymers;thermotropic self-organization