Journal of Power Sources, Vol.101, No.2, 267-274, 2001
Characterization and use of anionic membranes for alkaline fuel cells
The aim of this work was to check the possibility of using an anionic membrane or a solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) in an alkaline fuel cell. In first, the membrane was electrochemically characterized by measuring ionic conductivity (potentiometric method and electrochemical impedance) and transport numbers were measured (Henderson's and Hittorf's method). The ion-exchange capacity was also determined as well as the water content of the membrane. Then, an alkaline laboratory fuel cell using the SPE was assembled and showed the feasibility of the system. Finally, the performances were widely improved while using an interfacial solution between the electrodes and the membrane.
Keywords:membrane characterization;alkaline fuel cell;solid polymer electrolyte;electrode-membrane interface