Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.19, No.1, 20-27, January, 2002
A Numerical Simulation of Hazardous Waste Destruction in a Three-Dimensional Dump Incinerator
A predictive model of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) incineration in a dump incinerator is described. An empirical model that incorporates the chemical kinetic aspects of CCl4 destruction is
developed to describe the flame inhibition characteristics of CCl4, which is halogen compounds. Quantitative agreement is found between the predictions of the model and the measured values. Cavity hydrodynamics and flame structure studies are made in a dump incinerator proposed in this study. For the effective destruction of hazardous waste, the waste must injected in the recirculation region of high temperature with the condition of not disturbing the combustion cavity. The core flame has a significant impact on the structure of the recirculation region, in some cases completely changing the nature of the flow within the cavity. The dump incinerator has good characteristics for the destruction of hazardous waste. These characteristics should lead to a very compact device, one which is potentially transportable or usable in a dedicated manner by a small generator.
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