HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.30, No.3, 347-356, June, 1992
핏치계 활성탄소섬유의 액상흡착
Adsorption of Solute on Pitch-based Activated Carbon Fiber from Aqueous Solution
등방성 핏치계 탄소섬유를 수증기로 활성화하여 여러 등급의 활성탄소섬유를 만들었다. 273K에서 측정한 탄산가스 흡착에 의하여 원료탄소섬유에는 이미 약간의 미세공들이 존재하고 있었으나 이들은 77K에서 질소를 흡착하지는 않았다. 탄소섬유의 비표면적과 세공부피는 활성화함에 따라 대단히 증가하는데, burn-off가 60%를 넘으면, αs법으로 측정한 세공부피는 계속 증가하는 반면에 D-R식으로 측정한 값은 떨어졌다. 용액에서의 활성탄소섬유의 요오드 흡착력과 메틸렌블루 탈색력은 대단히 우수했으며, 특히 흡착속도가 매우 빨랐다. 흡측능력은 burn-off를 증가시킴에 따라 증가하지만, 또한 미세공의 크기분포에 의존하였다.
Isotropic pitch based carbon fibers have been activated at different levels of burn-off by stema diluted in nitrogen. There is a slight uptake of CO2 at 273K indicating that some microporosity is already present in the unactivated fiber. these micropores are, however, unaccessible to N2 at 77K. The specific surface area and the micropore volume of carbon fiber were increased significantly upon activation, however after 60% burn-off, the micropore volume measured by D-R equation levels off where as the one determined by the αs-method steadily increase with the extent of activation. The adsorption of iodine and the decoloriza-tion of methylene blue of activated carbon fiber from aqueous solution were excellent, especially adsorption rate was greatly fast. The adsorption capacity was enhanced with the burn-off increasing, but it was also dependent on micropore size distribution.
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