HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.31, No.2, 193-203, April, 1993
함티탄자철광의 탄소환원에 의한 Rutile 대용체의 제조
The Production of Rutile Substitute from Titaniferrous Magnetite by the Carbothermal Reduction
국내산 함티탄자철광으로부터 rutile대용품을 제조하기 위한 기초자료를 얻기 위해 탄소에 의한 함티탄자철광의 탄소열환원이 실험적으로 조사되었다. 함티탄자철광의 환원을 위한 최적조건은 반응온도 1150℃, 함티탄자철광시료에 대한 환원제 탄소의 당량비 9.0, 반응시간 60min이었다. 그리고 활성탄, pitch, 목탄등이 이 환원반응에서 좋은 환원제로서 작용되었으며, 함티탄자철광과 탄소에 염화제이철의 첨가는 함티탄자철광의 환원속도를 상당히 증가시켰다. 그리고 1100-1150℃ 범위의 두 등온조건하의 환원속도 data를 여러 속도식에 맞추어 본 결과 반응물의 생성물을 통한 확산을 속도결정단계로 볼 수 있는 1-2x/3-(1-x)2/3=kt에 잘 맞았다. 상기의 조건하에서 함티탄자철광 속의 모든 철산화물의 금속철로 환원되었으며, 환원된 함티탄자철광을 자력분리함으로서 금홍석 대용품을 제조할 수 있었다.
Carbothermal reuction of titaniferrous magmetite with carbon was experimentally investigated in order to get fundamental data for the production of rutile substitute from domestic titaniferrous magnatite ore. The proper condition for the reduction of titaniferrous magnetite was as follows : reaction temperature was 1150℃, equivalent ratio of carbon to titaniferrous magnetite was 9.0 and reaction time was 60min. Activated carbon, pitch and charcoal acted as good reducing agent in this reduction. The addition of ferric chloride to titaniferrous magnetite and carbon increased the rate of reduction of titaniferrous magnetite significantly. Reduction rate data under isothermal condition from 1100℃ to 1150℃ were fitted to different rate equations and have been found to be well represented by the equation 1-2x/3-(1-x)2/3=kt, which is developed assuming diffusion of reactants through the product layer is the controlling step. Under above mentioned conditions, all Fe-oxide in the titaniferrous magnetite was reduced to metal Fe. Rutile substitute was prepared from this reduced titaniferrous magnetite by magnetiic separation.
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