Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.13, No.2, 131-137, April, 2002
Calix[4]arene계의 PS판용 NQD 에스테르의 합성 및 감광 특성
Synthesis and Photochemical Properties of NQD-esters Based on Calix[4]arene Derivatives for Pre-sensitized Offset Plates
본 연구는 ballast로서 calix[4]resorcinarene (C4-RA)과 calix[4]pyrogallene (C4-PA) 유도체를 합성한 후 naphthoquinone-(1,2)-diazide-5-sulfonic acid esters (NQD-ester)를 2-diazo-naphthoquinone-5-sulfonyl chloride (NQD-Cl)과의 에스테르화 과정을 통해 pre-sensitized offset printing plates (PS 판)에 쉽게 적용할 수 있는 포지티브형의 감광제를 합성하여 비교ㆍ고찰하였다. C4-RA 유도체는 resorcinol과 pyrogallol을 각각 아세트알데히드와의 축합 반응으로 합성하였다. C4-RA 유도체는 극성 용매와 수용성 염기에 매우 좋은 용해도를 가지며 또한 노볼락 수지와 비슷한 광학적 성질을 가진다. C4-RA 유도체를 NQD-Cl과 부분적인 에스테르화하여 치환율이 각각 다른 NQD-ester 유도체를 합성하였다. 남아 있는 hydroxy group은 유기 용매에 대한 용해도를 좋게 해주었다. 각각의 NQD-ester 유도체들을 노볼락 수지와 배합하여 PS판을 제조하였다. 용해도, 열적 안정성, 감광성, 적합한 노광 시간과 상대 감도를 각각 용해도 측정, TGA, UV spectrophotometry, UV lithographic method와 gray scale method를 사용하여 측정하였다. C4-RA 유도체를 ballast로 하여 합성한 NQD-ester 유도체는 적합한 용해도와 감광 특성을 보여주었으며 최적화된 lithographic 조건을 측정하여 이를 사용해 포지티브 이미지를 얻을 수 있었다.
In this study, light sensitive naphthoquinone-(1,2)-diazide-5-sulfonic acid esters (NQD-ester), based on calix[4]resorcinarene (C4-RA) and derivatives, were used as a ballast. They were suitable for the positive working photoactive compounds in the use of pre-sensitized offset printing plates (PS plates). C4-RA derivatives were synthesized from resorcinol, pyrogallol, and acetaldehyde by the condensation reaction. C4-RA derivatives had a good solubility in highly polar solvents and aqueous alkaline bases, and their optical properties were similar to those of novolac resin. Synthesized C4-RA derivatives were partially esterified with 2-diazo-napthoquinone-5-sulfonyl chloride (NQD-Cl) to give several NQD-esters. The hydroxyl groups left provided good solubility in the organic solvents. Each of NQD-ester was formulated with novolac base resin, and PS plates were manufactured. Solubility, thermal stability, photosensitivity, compatible exposed time, and relative sensitivity were determined by solubility test, TGA, UV spectrophotometry, imaged by UV lithographic techniques, and gray scale method, respectively. NQD-ester derivatives, which is synthesized with C4-RA derivatives, gave suitable solubilities and photochemical properties. We found the optimal lithographic properties, and obtained good images for PS plates.
Keywords:1,2-naphthoquinone-(2)-diazide-5-sulfonic acid esters;calix[4]resorcinarene;esterification;solubility;PS plate
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