Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.19, No.2, 331-336, March, 2002
Determination of Molecular Weight and its Distribution of Flexible Chain Polymer by Phase-Modulated Flow Birefringence Technique
The objective of this study is to develop a systematic method to determine molecular weight and its distribution of flexible chain polymer by birefringence experiments. Using the random walk model, birefringence Δn and orientation angle χ have been optically obtained as functions of molecular weights. To confirm the theory, polystyrene solutions with different molecular weights dissolved in polychlorinated biphenyl were experimented by the phase-modulated flow birefringence (PMFB) method. Birefringence of polystyrene solutions is proportional to
(∑ciMi(1.6))γ(2), and cot(2χ) to (∑ciMi(1.6)/B1∑ciMi(-0.2))γ. The experimental results agreed well with the theoretical predictions proposed in this study.
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