Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.13, No.3, 247-251, May, 2002
이소시아네이트와 트리클로로 변성폴리에스테르 폴리올과의 중합에서 이소시아네이트 종류에 따른 PU 난연도료의 도막특성 및 난연성 비교
Effect of Type of Isocyanates on the Physical Properties and Flame Retardancy of PU Coatings Polymerized with Isocyanate and Trichloro Modified Polyester Polyol
전보에서 합성한 트리클로로 변성폴리에스테르 폴리올(TCAO)에 2종류의 이소시아네이트 경화제(Desmodur N-3300과 L-75)를 선정하여 상온경화시켜 PU계 난연도료(TCAO/N-3300=TCAON, TCAO/L-75=TCAOL)를 각각 제조하였다. 제조된 난연도료로서 물성시험을 시행한 결과 경도, 내마모성, 건조시간은 TCAOL쪽이, 접착력과 연화도는 서로 비슷하게, 가사시간, 60 ° 경면광택도, 점도, 촉진내후성은 TCAON쪽이 더 좋게 나타났다. 난연성분인 trichloroacetic acid 함량 30 wt%에서의 2종류 도막의 LOI값은 29~30%로 나타나 양호한 난연효과를 보여주었다.
PU flame-retardant coatings, TCAO/N-3300 (TCAON) and TCAO/L-75 (TCAOL), were prepared by curing trichloro modified polyester polyol (TCAO) with two types of isocyanate curing agents, Desmodur N-3300 and L-75, at room temperature. The physical properties of the prepared coatings were examined. The hardness, abrasion resistance, drying time of TCAOL were better than those of TCAON. However, the pot-life, 60 ° specular gloss, viscosity, accelerated weathering resistance of TCAON were better than of TCAOL. The cross-hatch adhesion and fineness of grinds were similar in both the coatings. At 30 wt% of trichloro acetic acid, which is a flame-retarding component, the LOI values of the films of the two coatings were in the range of 29~30%, indicating good flame retardancy of the coatings.
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