AAPG Bulletin, Vol.86, No.7, 1237-1262, 2002
Reactivation of mature oil fields through advanced reservoir characterization: A case history of the Budare field, Venezuela
Budare field has produced 95 million bbl of oil since discovery in 1954, but a sustained 6 yr decline during the early 1990s reduced daily production to 3000 bbl of oil. Reactivation of the field as a result of this reservoir characterization study increased production by 13,000-16,000 BOPD, a rate that has been maintained in the 4 yr since the study was completed, resulting in an incremental recovery of more than 24 million bbl of oil. This increase in production was achieved through integrated reservoir characterization that identified the depositional heterogeneities and structural complexities responsible for intrareservoir entrapment of the bypassed oil in the field. The main producing zones are the Tertiary-age Merecure and Oficina reservoirs that are interpreted as the deposits of large-scale bed-load and mixed-load fluvial and wave-dominated deltaic depositional systems. The geologic analysis indicates that the large-scale systems are divided internally, or vertically stratified, by thin but widespread shale markers resulting from flooding episodes and that facies variability introduces lateral discontinuities. Syn- and post-depositional faulting further disrupts reservoir continuity. Trends in fluid flow established from engineering analysis of initial fluid response to recompletion workovers, and pressure depletion levels, data demonstrated that these geologic heterogeneities (flooding shale markers, lateral facies pinch-out, and faults) are effective barriers to lateral and vertical fluid flow. Considerable potential for sustained production exists at Budare field because the reservoir units are highly compartmentalized. Identification and targeting of the poorly drained and uncontacted compartments at Budare facilitated the development of a production optimization portfolio that encompassed four principal advanced-recovery opportunities: field extension or step-out; attic areas of the reservoir that are structurally higher than existing production and, hence, poorly drained; stratigraphically and structurally defined compartments that have not been tapped; and compartments that are poorly drained. Successful geologically targeted infill wells and strategic recompletions in these bypassed compartments achieved a sustained fivefold increase in daily production in the mature Budare field.