Thermochimica Acta, Vol.388, No.1-2, 427-439, 2002
Irreversible thermodynamics and true thermal state dynamics in view of generalised solid-state reaction kinetics
Reaction dynamics of processes involving solids are extensively studied by thermal analysis methods. They are often solved almost naively by analogy with apparently gradientless homogeneous reactions. Other oversimplified approximations involve the regular shape of reacting particles that are assumed to be circles or spheres regardless of their true texture (stereology). This model never matches the results of traditional morphology observations. This article points the direction where a more rigorous solution should go by introducing a more actual state of the sample but, unfortunately, is yet unable to show the practical way how to actually bring in the challenge of entire introducing fluxes incorporation which solution makes difficult mathematical problem but it enables wide options of state of the system. Practical examples are illustrated on the flux-dependent growth of dendrites.
Keywords:chemical reaction;diffusion;solid-state;gradients;fluxes;temperature fluctuation;unstable interface;dissipations;irreversibility;stereology;bifurcations;solidification;undercooling;non-equilibrium growth;dendrites