Polymer(Korea), Vol.27, No.1, 69-74, January, 2003
비드와 섬유 혼성이온교환 베드를 이용한 황산이온과 질산이온 혼합용액에서 질산이온의 선택 흡착 특성
Selective Adsorption Properties of Nitrate Ion in Sulfate and Nitrate Solution by Bead and Fibrous Hybrid Ion Exchange Bed
본 연구는 비드상 수지와 섬유이온교환체를 혼합한 이온교환 복합섬유의 지하수 중 질산이온의 선택흡착성능을 확인하였다. HIXF의 팽윤율은 4.45 g/g이었으며, 이온교환용량은 2.45 meq/g으로 IEC, IXF보다 높게 나타났다. 또한 NO3(-)/SO3(2-) 농도비가 1.0 이하에서 NO3(-)의 흡착은 100%로 이루어졌으며, 반면 SO3(2-)은 20% 흡착되었다. 한편, NO3(-)의 흡착은 pH 3까지 크게 증가하였으며 그 이상에서는 증가하지 않는 경향을 나타내었다. HIXF의 비드와 섬유이온교환체의 혼합비가 0.5 이하에서 NO3(-)에 대한 선택흡착능은 우수하였다.
In this study, we have investigated the adsorption properties for nitrate ion in ground water using mixed resin type hybrid ion exchanger (HIXF) and fiber type ion exchanger. Their swelling ratio (4.45 g/g) and ion exchange capacities (2.45 meq/g) were higher than the swelling ratio of IEC and IXF. Adsorption yield increased for nitrate (NO3(-)) and sulfate (SO4(2-)) ions were optimal at the concentration ratios of nitrate and sulfate below 1.0 and the adsorption yields were 100% and 20%, respectively. On the other hand it was shown that the degree of adsorpted for nitrate to pH 3, but it was little changed in the other pH range. We found that the selective adsorption capacity for nitrate was the optimal the mixing ratios of resin and fibrous ion exchagner of below 0.5.
Keywords:NO3(-);SO3(2-);ion exchange capacity;bead ion exchanger;fibrous ion exchanger;adsorption;selectivity
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