HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.34, No.5, 548-555, October, 1996
분무 열분해법에 의한 γ-LiAlO2 분체합성
Synthesis of γ-LiAlO2 Powders by Spray Pyrolysis
본 실험에서는 용융탄산염 연료전지의 안정한 matrix의 물질로서 사용되는 구형의 γ- LiAlO2 입자를 분무 열분해법을 이용하여 0.1-2μm 크기로 합성하였다. 분무 열분해법으로 합성한 LiAlO2 분체는 600℃에서 전구체가 형성된 후 800℃에서 완전한 γ-LiAlO2 상이 형성되었다. 분무압이 0.2atm에서 0.5atm으로 증가함에 따라 액적의 크기는 18μm에서 13.4μm로 감소하였다. 초기용액 농도의 감소(0.77-0.01 mol/l)는 선형적으로 입자의 크기를 감소(2.3-0.25μm)시겼으며, 입자 크기분포는 좁아졌다.
In this experiment, spherical γ-LiAlO2 powder which is used molten carbo- nate fuel cells as stable matrix material for the molten carbonate electrolyte was synthesized in the size of 0.1-2μm by spray pyrolysis method. Spray pyrolyzed powder started to form γ-LiAlO2 phase at 600℃ and the phase transformation of γ-LiAlO2 was completed at 800℃. Surface area of this samples was higher than that of commercialized samples. As jet pressure of the air increased from 0.2 atm to 0.5 atm, droplet size of the starting material decreased from 18μm to 13.4μm. Decrease in concentration of starting ma- terials(0.77-0.01 mol/ι) caused linear decrease in the mean particle size and size distribution of particles became narrowed.
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