Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol.106, No.44, 11531-11538, 2002
Chronopotentiometry of titania film electrodes in aqueous media
Temporal changes in the potential of TiO2 films (supported on Au substrates) were monitored under ultraviolet irradiation in aqueous media. Prior to these experiments, mimicing heterogeneous photocatalysis reaction conditions, the open-circuit potentials (E-oc) of the prepared TiO2 films were monitored as a function of medium pH in the 3-11 range. A slope of -26 mV/pH was measured; this value is compared with previous studies of the pH dependence of E-oc and the TiO2 flat-band potential, E-fb. Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the presented (E-ph-t) profiles concerns the very slow (minute regime) changes in the TiO2 film potential when the UV light is turned on. The extent of negative potential excursion (when the UV light is initially switched on),and the plateau potential attained (at times greater than similar to5 min) are dependent on the nature of the metal ion "depolarizer", the incident photon flux, and the presence of any co-additive in the 0.05 M Na2SO4 Supporting electrolyte, When the, light is turned off, the TiO2 film potential returns to its rest value (in the "dark") in exponential fashion. A simple model, based on initial photocharging of the TiO2 film/solution interface and subsequent carrier trapping/detrapping events, is presented to account for the observed trends in the measured (E-ph-t) profiles. Simulations based on this model afford, chronopotentiometric profiles in good agreement with their experimental counterparts.