Energy Policy, Vol.31, No.3, 259-272, 2003
Disseminating energy-efficient technologies: a case study of compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) in India
Disseminating energy-efficient technologies, even when they may appear to be technically perfect. is always a tough task, more so in economies with low purchasing power and educational levels. The compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) is one such well-known product that consumes only 20% electricity for the same light output as given out by the ubiquitous incandescent lamp and which, if adopted in a big way. has the potential of reducing peak electric power loads very significantly. However, in India, the CFL sales are still not growing in the expected manner. The current study was accordingly undertaken to investigate the underlying reasons and to determine the most effective ways in which an efficient technology like this could be popularized. The task involved the designing and administering of questionnaires to some 900 respondents from 100 locations representing various socio-economic, educational and professional backgrounds in and around Delhi, and analysing the results in tern-is of an importance index. Based on this feedback, the authors recommend an aggressive implementation of the formula standing for EDucation, POlicy support, STAandards, Demonstrations and INdustry involvement (EDPOSTADIN) at least for popularizing CFLs.