HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.35, No.3, 329-337, June, 1997
산 침출액에서 EHPNA에 의한 코발트와 니켈 금속 이온의 추출평형
Extraction Equilibrium of Cobalt and Nickel Ions from Acid Leach Solutions with EHPNA
산 전해질 용액에 침출된 코발트와 니켈 이온의 추출평형을 구하기 위하여 산 추출제인 EHPNA로써 Co(No3)2-Acids(HCl, H2SO4)-H2O, Ni(NO3)2-Acids(HCl, H2SO4)-H2O계의 추출평형을 실험하여 총괄추출평형식과 추출평형 상수를 구하였으며, 각 금속 이온과 추출제의 복합체는 CoR2·2HR, NiR2·4HR이었다. 금속 추출공정에서 산용액의 열역학적 특성인 활동도를 고려하기 위하여 3성분 전해질 용액으로부터 실험적으로 얻은 equi-a(H2O) data로써 용질의 평균활동도 계수값인 γ[Co(No3)2], γ[Ni(No3)2], γ(HCl), γ(H2SO4)를 Mckay-Perring method로써 구하였다. 평균활동도 계수값은 Log DM⁑HCl 와 Log DM⁑H2SO4의 추출 분배계수 곡선에 영향을 미쳤으며, 산용액의 낮은 농도를 제외하고는 Modified Mckay-Perring method에 의한 이론값과 실험값이 가장 잘 일치하였다.
Extraction equilibrium formulations were studied for the distribution coefficient of cobalt and nickel ions from acidic leach solutions by using 2-Ethylhexylphosphonic Acid Mono-2-Ethylhexyl Ester(EHPNA) dissolved in n-heptane at 298˚K. The extraction equilibrium constants, Kex, of cobalt and nickel by EHPNA were investigated and they were different from each other that by DEHPA. Complex form of cobalt and nickel in the organic phase was CoR2·2HR, NiR2·4HR. With metal extraction processes, considering that the activity is one of the basic parameters in characterizing the solution itself, the mean activity coefficients of solutes, γ[Co(No3)2], γ[Ni(No3)2], γ(HCl), γ(H2SO4) in aqueous mixed electrolyte solutions were calculated by Mckay-Perring method and its modified form using the equi-water activity data of those solutions experimentally determined. The mean activity coefficients had an effect on extraction curve and experimental results agreed with well those calculated by Modified Mckay-Perring method on extraction profiles except at low acid concentrations.
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