HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.35, No.4, 497-503, August, 1997
국내 제강더스트 중에 함유된 희유금속의 침출 및 흡착특성
Leaching and Adsorption Characteristics of Rare Metals from Domestic Steelmaking Dust
산업폐기물인 제강더스트 중에 고농도로 존재하는 Al, Si, Fe, Zn 등과 함께 미량으로 함유되어 있는 희유금속 등의 재자원화에 대한 기초데이터를 얻기 위하여 선택적 분리 및 농축을 위한 침출 및 흡착특성을 실험 조사하였다. 제강더스트의 전량분석 결과, 주성분은 Fe, Zn, Si, 그외 알칼리 금속류가 고농도로 함유되어 있었으며, B, Ga, V 등의 다양한 희소금속들이 미량으로 함유되어 있었다. 침출제로 3.0mol/dm3-NaOH를 사용한 경우, 더스트에 함유되어 있는 B의 72%가 침출되고, pH 13.8인 알칼리 용액을 얻었다. B는 글루카민형 킬레이트수지에 의하여 선택적인 흡착이 가능하였다. 1.0mol/dm3-H2SO3를 용리제로 사용하여 용리시켰을 때 5.6g/dm3의 B를 농축할 수 있었다. 알칼리 침출한 잔사를 2.5mol/dm3-H2SO4로서 2단계 침출공정으로 얻은 0.038g/dm3의 Ga과 0.028g/dm3의 V을 함유하는 침출액을 아미노카르본산형 킬레이트수지에 의한 흡착 탈착 공정으로 Ba는 13g/dm3, V는 9.7g/dm3의 농축액을 얻었다.
This study investigated for leaching and adsorption characteristics of rare metals from domestic steelmaking dust in which they exist at very low concentration in the a mixture of high concentration of iron, zinc, and silicon. The major constituents in this steelmaking dust are iron, zinc, silicon and alkali metals. The dust were contented of rare metals such as boron, gallium and vanadium. Of the boron contained in the dust, 72% leached with 3.0 mol/dm3 sodium hydroxide solution where the pH of the final pregnant liquor is 13.8. To remove the impurity metals, they were precipitated as their hydroxides by adjusting the solution pH being 10. The selective concentration of boron was done using a chelating resin column with a functional group of glucamine type, and the eluate containing 5.6 g/dm3 of boron was obtained. By employing 2.5 mol/dm3 sulfuric acid for leaching vanadium and gallium from the solid residue resulting from leaching with alkalic solution, the leach liquor containing 0.038 g/dm3 of gallium and 0.028 g/dm3 of vanadium was obtained. Gallium and vanadium in the leaching solution were concentrated by use of a chelating resin column with a functional group of aminocarboxylic acid type after reduction of ferric ion to ferrous ion and pH adjustment. The elute was conditioned and passed again through the column. Gallium was concentrated to 13g/dm3 and vanadium to 9.7g/dm3 in the resulting elute.
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